Acupuncture ~ Japanese Style Part 1
The first Part of Acupuncture ~ Japanese Style is the very base of learning this unique
and powerful technique;
it will give you an easy to apply way of diagnosing, and it will give you better and faster clinical results.
Course Content
Acupuncture ~ Japanese Style Part 1 contains four lessons. Each lesson has a video lecture taught by Boaz Colodner, downloadable worksheets (PDF) and an opportunity to communicate with Boaz and other students.
Palpation Diagnosis ~ Lesson 1
In this video I will introduce you to this style of diagnosis. Palpation diagnosis has been described and discussed in many of the classical Chinese texts. Before we begin this voyage of Acupuncture Japanese Style, it is important that we start at the beginning. The classical text of the Nan Ching Chapter 16 is where for the first time a description of the 5 element abdominal diagnosis is explored. This video is a MUST, and will introduce you to the art of Palpation Diagnosis.
The first lesson is entirely dedicated to the art of Palpation Diagnosis. Acupuncture ~ Japanese Style uses Palpation as its primary diagnosis tool. This lesson will give you the basic understanding of Acupuncture ~ Japanese Style and you can immediately implement this technique in your treatment.
Following the Palpation Diagnosis Lesson we will dive into treating the most common complaints using protocols of root treatments.
Lesson 2: The Immune System
At the first part of most acupuncture sessions we begin with Root or Constitutional treatment. It is here where we treat the root cause or on the other hand the main reason inhibiting the natural healing power of our body. The Immune System is by far (together with the Adrenal Fatigue treatment) the most common root treatment in clinic. This is the most essential treatment for addressing the root cause of many complaints seen in clinic including PAIN, respiratory issues, digestive issues, depression, fatigue and much much more. This video will show you how to diagnose an exhausted lymphatic system, chronic and acute inflammation and of course how to treat successfully this condition.
Lesson 3: Adrenal Fatigue Treatment
Together with the Immune root treatment, Adrenal Fatigue treatment addresses so many of our patients. Modern times demands a lot of energy, and without adequate rest and state of mind, many of our patient suffer from stress and its side effects. This treatment is essential to cope with modern times and demands, and is the key to clinical success in many cases such as the nervous system, the immune system, and the hormonal system. Learn how to diagnose and treat Adrenal Fatigue, and see how adrenal reflexes melt away by using the special Adrenal fatigue treatment. Your patients NEED this treatment.
Lesson 4: Blood Pressure Imbalance
Your patients will love this treatment. Your patients want to feel good, and this treatment takes all their PRESSURE away. Of course these treatment protocols are specific for Low blood pressure clinical presentation and High blood pressure clinical presentation. Yet, this treatment can be used for much more than that and is given to you here since it is an excellent treatment to add after the Immune or Adrenal Fatigue treatment.